From: Dada Bhagwan Egroup
Date: 06 Sep 2021
Subject: Website Updates September 2021

Dada Bhagwan Egroup
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Jai Sat Chit Anand
Wallpaper for the Month of September.
New Videos
Pratikraman Parayan (English) Total 22 Parts
Watch more.
To get an insight on the topic of 'કુદરતના અકળ પ્લાનિંગમાં અહંકારનું ઘડતર'
In Portuguese:
1) Guru and Disciple
2) Pure Love
3) Science Of Speech
In Hindi:
1) Aptavani 14 (Part-2)
In Punjabi:
1) Jagat Karta Kaun?
2) Paap-Punya
3) Paiso Ka Vyavhar(Abr.)
Subtitles of Samayiks
In English:

1. File 1ni Sthul Ane sukshma avasthane Judapanani jagruti sathe Jovi (Aptavani-3 Parayan) (Watching File 1 in the Gross state and the Subtle State with the Awakened Awareness of Separation)

2. Vyaktio Sathena Vyavharma File 1 Na Bharela Maalne Jovo (Aptavani-3 Parayan) (To ‘See’ File 1’s Own Filled stock of Karma during Worldly Interactions with People)
In Hindi:

1. गलत नेगेटिव वाणी, वर्तन या अंतराय डाल दे ऐसे व्यवहारों को देखना Vanki Negative Vani, Vartan ke Aantri Nakhe Teva Vyavharne Jova (Aptavani – 13 (Purvardh) Parayan)

2. हर एक व्यक्ति को रियली और रिलेटिवली निर्दोष देखना Pratyek Vyaktine Really ane Relativally Nirdosh Jovi (Aptavani – 13 (Purvardh) Parayan)
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