From: Dada Bhagwan Egroup
Date: 04 Mar 2023
Subject: Website Updates March 2023

Dada Bhagwan Egroup
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Jai Sat Chit Anand
Wallpaper for the Month of March.
New Videos
English Satsang By Pujya Deepakbhai Total 9 Parts
Janma Jayanti 2012(English Dubbed) Total 4 Parts
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To get an insight on the topic of 'જ્ઞાની આશ્રયે. ‘છૂટવું છે’'
Photo Gallery
Enjoy the snapshots of Palitana Jatra 2023
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Subtitles of Samayiks
In English:

1. Sevama Ahankar Dhubhayo Hoy Teni Same Tapni Jagruti Gothavavi (Aptavani – 13 (Purvardh) (To Set The Awakened Awareness Of Penance When Our Ego Has Been Hurt During Seva)

2. Jivanma Bhegi Thayeli Vyaktio Sathe Sambhaav Chukayo Hoy Teva Prasangone Jova (Aptavani – 13 (Purvardh) (For people who you have come across in your life, examine the events where equanimity was missed.)
In Hindi:

1. मीठास वाली फाइलों से आते भोगवटों के सामने समभाव से निकाल की जागृति सेट करना Mithashvali Filothi Avata Bhogavata Same Sambhave Nikalni Jagruti Gothavavi (Aptavani – 13 (Uttarardh)

2. मान की ग्रंथि के कारण हुए व्यवहार के सामने ज्ञान की सेटींग Maanni Ganthne Laine Thata Vyavhar Same Gnanni Gothavani (Aptavani – 13 (Uttarardh)
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