From: Dada Bhagwan Egroup
Date: 09 Mar 2021
Subject: Website Updates March 2021

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Jai Sat Chit Anand , triangle
Read March’s Dadavani, on the topic of ‘ 'સ્વ-પર’ના સાંધાની જાગૃતિના પુરુષાર્થ સૂત્ર. ‘ available in PDF, EPUB, MOBI , HTML and Audiobook format.
Download the Wallpaper for March 2021 Desktop and Mobile .
New Videos
1.Germany Satsang 2013 (Total 10 Parts)
2.Brazil Satsang 2019 (Total 6 Parts)
New Book
In Bengali:
1.Jagat Karta Kaun?
2.Karmo ka Sidhant
In Oriya:
1.Jagat Karta Kaun
2.Karmo ka Sidhant
3.Paap Punya
In Hindi:
1.पैसों का व्यवहार (ग्रंथ)
2.वर्तमान तीर्थकर श्री सीमंधर स्वामी (संक्षिप्त)
In Marathi:
1.आप्तवाणी-२ triangle
Samayiks with Subtitles
New Samayiks with Hindi subtitles have been added on the following topics. (Please click on ’cc’ to view the Hindi / English subtitles)
Hindi subtitles
1.रिलेटिव बाबतों को डीवेल्यू करना और रीयल की वेल्यू बढ़ाना Relative Babtone Devalue Karvi ane Realni Value Vadharvi (Aptavani – 13 (Purvardh) Parayan)
2.धर्मस्थान, धर्मगुरु एंव उनके फोलोअर्स के प्रति किए गए दोषों को देखना Dharma Sthanak, Dharmaguru ane Tena followers Mate Thayela Doshone Jova (Aptavani – 13 (Purvardh) Paraya
English subtitles
1.Maan Apmaan ane Mohna Prasangoma Prakrutina Swarupne Olakhvu (Klesh Vinanu Jivan Parayan) (Recognize the traits of the relative self in events involving pride, insult and attachment)
2.Najikani Vyakti Pratyena Mohna Pariname Ubha Thayela Doshone Jova (Klesh Vinanu Jivan Parayan) (To see the faults which arose as a result of illusionary attachments with close relationships) triangle
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