There will be Live Webcast on 17th March and 19th March as per the below Schedule
The live webcasting will occur at the below dates and times.
Dates and India Timings:
Saturday 17th March
4:00PM – 7:00PM
Satsang with Pujyashree
Monday 19th March
8:00AM onwards
Niruma Punyatithi (Vidhi and Message by Pujyashree)
Monday 19th March
9:00PM to 10:00PM
Satsang with Pujyashree
The Link for live webcast is: http://new.livestream.com/dadabhagwanlive/
English Translation: https://livestream.com/dadabhagwanlive/english (17th and 19th March Satsang with Pujyashree)
Hindi Translation: https://livestream.com/dadabhagwanlive/hindi (17th and 19th March Satsang with Pujyashree)
Portuguese Translation: https://livestream.com/dadabhagwanlive/portuguese (17th and 19th March Satsang with Pujyashree)
- All timings above are India Timings (IST). Please adjust your timings accordingly by clicking on the link here.
- Live webcast will only be subject to strong/reliable internet connections.
- The above schedule can be subject to changes at short notice.