The September Paryushan Parayan 2018 at Trimandir Adalaj will be webcasted live.
Link for the live webcast - : https://www.youtube.com/user/dadabhagwan
Important Note:
- Please Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for future Satsang Updates and Click on Bell icon to receive Notifications.
- Our livestream.com link will be discontinued within 2 Months, we request you to start switching over YouTube .
- Translations will be in English,Hindi and German and will be only on YouTube: YouTube Link
You can also watch the live webcasts on AKonnect App & Dada Bhagwan App:
Temporary link for the live Webcast (ONLY for Gujarati): http://livestream.com/dadabhagwanlive/
The Study Material for Paryushan Parayan 2018 is as below:
Satsang Topics
Study Material Gujarati
Study Material Hindi
Study Material English
Aptavani 13 (U)
Book attached PDF format, Starting from Page 243 (Gnan Drashan)
Book attached PDF format, Starting from Page 258
See attached document
Aptavani 13(U) Chapter 5.1 (Page 184) Knowledge Vision
Dates and Timings:
Wednesday,5th September
Darshan Program 10:00AM onwards
Thursday,6th September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Friday,7th September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Saturday,8th September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Sunday,9th September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Monday,10th September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Tuesday,11th September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Wednesday,12th September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Thursday,13st September
9:30AM to 12:00PM
4:30PM to 7:00PM
Time shown is India Timings (IST). Please adjust your timings accordingly by clicking below:
- Live webcast will only be subject to strong/reliable internet connections.
- The above schedule can be subject to changes at short notice.
PS: For Mahatmas who are coming from India and Abroad to Adalaj for the September Paryushan Parayan 2018, we have enclosed the full Schedule of the event for you in English and in Gujarati. Please download the copy for your reference. |