Jai Sat Chit Anand Dear Mahatmas,
The South East Gurupurnima Hospitality team is excited to welcome all of our mumukshus and mahatmas to this year's Gurupurnima event in Jacksonville, Florida. Our team is looking forward to serving you from the moment you arrive at the airport, throughout your stay, and until you depart from this year’s event. In order to help us better plan and make your experience more memorable, we are working on a new initiative to provide our elderly mahatmas and mumukshus, as well as anyone with special needs, with sevarthi hospitality assistance during the Gurupurnima event. If you would like to make use of this sevarthi hospitality service, please kindly answer the question “Do you or anyone in your family need any assistance during the event?” (Yes/No) by simply clicking here and entering the information on the "Family Registration for Sessions" page and then clicking Confirm/Continue to Hotel Registration button.
Potential services may include: airport arrangements, check-in/check-out of the Gurupurnima hotel, or even assistance to and from your hotel room to the Gurupurnima event activities within the hotel. Once you are on the next page, your request will be saved in our system. Our team will then contact you to help plan out how we can accommodate your needs better.