Let us get onboard to understand Akram Vigyan in more depth with this series of Hindi satsangs to ensure we progress towards the path of ultimate happiness and equanimity. These Hindi Satsangs will consist of reading Dada’s books and watching Satsangs, alternating every week.
This week, we will watch video "Mumbai Satsang 2005".
When: Every Tuesday 8:30pm to 9:40pm
How to join: With laptop, phone or iPad on Microsoft Teams app, by clicking on the link below: https://dbfuk.org/hindituesdaysatsang
For user guides on how to use Microsoft Teams please visit: https://uk.dadabhagwan.org/user-guides.html
For further enquiry, please feel free to contact us on [email protected] Looking forward to seeing you all.
Jai Satchitanand Hindi Satsang Team |