When we hear that Holi is coming, we immediately think about fresh beginnings, spring flowers and a myriad of colours. Many of us have heard the story of Prahalad and his aunt Holika signifying the triumph of good (purity) over evil.
Is Holi all about throwing colours and having a merry time with our friends and family? Can we attain the purity of Prahalad and win over the evils in our lives?
The evils that plague us are due to our own anger – pride – deceit – greed! Just as we stand at a distance to watch the Holi pyres burn and do not get burnt, we can separate ourselves from our anger, pride, deceit and greed. This is possible through understanding the spiritual science, Akram Vignan.
Unique to this path of Akram Vignan is a scientific process called Gnan Vidhi. With the grace of the Spiritual Master (Gnani Purush), it is possible to achieve Self Realisation. The Gnan Vidhi separates the Self and the non-Self, allowing us to live our life with equanimity and harmony. Gnan Vidhi is an experiential process that must be attended in person. Attending the Gnan Vidhi does not mean that you need to change your present religion or guru. The teachings of the Spiritual Master are relevant to all, irrespective of religion, gender or social status.
We have an opportunity of a lifetime to receive this invaluable experience in the UK. This special Self Realisation Process will be held in Leicester on 2 April and London on 23 April.
Give yourselves this priceless gift and resolve to have a new beginning so that you can spend your life experiencing everlasting bliss!