Mahatmas, we welcome you all to share your POSITIVI-D by participating in all of the key events below (All events will take place from Saturday, July 1st to Thursday, July 6th): All events will take place from Saturday, July 1st to Thursday, July 6th, 2023 in Dallas, Texas, USA.
- July 1: Mahatma’s Arrival & First Satsang Session of the Gurupurnima Shibir
- July 3: Guru Pujan
- Gnan Vidhi
- Garba
- July 6: Event Closing
Make sure to arrive before 4pm CST on July 1st so you don’t miss out on anything. Detailed information about the schedule of events, registration and hotel reservations will be sent via email. The Canada and South Central Mahatmas are honored to host Gurupurnima 2023 and look forward to making it an unforgettable experience for all!
Phone: 1-(877) 505-DADA (3232), Ext. 10 Email: We Welcome You All!