Jai Sat Chit Anand Mahatmas
One is constantly searching for happiness. Have you thought about where your happiness comes from? It is possible to be happy in any situation, without that happiness being relative to something or someone.
Come discover a path that leads to inner peace and permanent happiness. Learn more about Akram Vignan, the spiritual science, and the unique and practical solutions to everyday issues. This science is for all those who are looking for a purpose of their life and who want to finally come to their Real Home.
Dada Bhagwan Parivar warmly invites you to bring your friends/family to this special event. This introductory event has been organised specifically for new seekers/mumukshus, who have not taken Gnan.
Details: When: Sunday 15 May 2022, 11am – 12.30pm Venue: Dada Darshan Ruislip, Unit 2, Stonefield Road, Ruislip, HA4 0JA Event is free. Light refreshments will be served. For those who have taken Gnan can join online using below link :
1) With laptop, smart phone, or iPad on Microsoft Teams app, by clicking on the link below: https://dbfuk.org/onlinesatsang
User guides on Microsoft Teams: https://uk.dadabhagwan.org/user-guides.html
Let’s connect with the Gnan and the Gnani. Start spreading the happiness!
Jai Satchitanand UK Satsang Coordination Team