We are pleased to announce two 5-day retreats for NRI Mahatma Behnos to be conducted at Dada Bhagwan Center in Linch, Gujarat, for the year 2020. The details are provided in the attached flyer and the pre-registration links are provided below in this communication. We request you to circulate the flyer as well as the pre-registration links to mahatma behnos in your country/region. Please note that the capacity for each retreat is limited to 60 mahatmas. Interested mahatmas are required to pre-register at their earliest (deadline is 20 August 2019) by clicking the link and filling and submitting the google form. Selected mahatmas will be informed directly and provided instructions for making the payment.
Please feel free to contact us on [email protected] if you have any questions.
Retreat 1: Parayan Self-Study Retreat
Topic: Aptavani 12 (1st Part) (આપ્તવાણી શ્રેણી ૧૨, પૂર્વાર્ધ)
Dates: 9-13 January 2020
Cost: 5000 Rs. per person
Capacity: 60 mahatmas
Pre-registration: Parayan Self-Study Retreat Behno
Retreat 2: Akram Retreat
Topic: Competition Leads to Downfall in Life (સ્પર્ધા, પછાડે સંસારમાં)
Dates: 19-23 February 2020
Cost: 5500 Rs. per person
Capacity: 60 mahatmas
Pre-registration: Akram Retreat Behno